postgres=# CREATE USER rls1; CREATE ROLE postgres=# CREATE USER rls2; CREATE ROLE postgres=# \c postgres rls1 You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "rls1". postgres=> CREATE TABLE tblrls (id int, value int, username text); CREATE TABLE postgres=> GRANT ALL ON tblrls TO rls2; GRANT
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postgres=> INSERT INTO tblrls VALUES (1, 10, 'rls1'), (2, 20, 'rls2'); INSERT 0 2 postgres=> ALTER TABLE tblrls ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY ; ALTER TABLE postgres=> CREATE POLICY rlsp1 ON tblrls USING ( username = current_user); CREATE POLICY
此时我们查询数据,您会发现 rls1 用户可以查看所有数据。
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postgres=> SELECT * FROM tblrls; -- rls1 用户 id | value | username ----+-------+---------- 1 | 10 | rls1 2 | 20 | rls2 (2 rows)
postgres=> \c postgres rls2 You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "rls2". postgres=> SELECT * FROM tblrls ; id | value | username ----+-------+---------- 2 | 20 | rls2 (1 row)
这是由于表属于 rls1 用户,PostgreSQL 提供了 ENFORCE ROW 来控制表所有者的行级安全策略行为。这里为了方便使用,我们通过超级用户登陆,并使用 SET ROLE 来切换用户。
postgres=# SELECT * FROM tblrls; id | value | username ----+-------+---------- 1 | 10 | rls1 2 | 20 | rls2 (2 rows)
postgres=> ALTER TABLE tblrls FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY; ALTER TABLE postgres=> SELECT * FROM tblrls; id | value | username ----+-------+---------- 1 | 10 | rls1 (1 row)
postgres=> SET ROLE rls2; SET postgres=> SELECT * FROM tblrls; id | value | username ----+-------+---------- 2 | 20 | rls2 (1 row)
postgres=> RESET ROLE; RESET postgres=# SELECT * FROM tblrls; id | value | username ----+-------+---------- 1 | 10 | rls1 2 | 20 | rls2 (2 rows)
从上面的结果,我们可以看到,FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY 可以控制表所有者的行级安全策略行为,相应的,我们可以通过 NO FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY 来禁用表所有者的行级安全策略。在梳理这个功能的时候,我还给 PostgreSQL 提供了一个关于行级安全策略的 psql 补全功能,代码十分简单,感兴趣的可以去看看。
在之前的行级安全策略中,我们都只用到了 USING 表达式,PostgreSQL 还支持行级安全策略中使用 CHECK 表达式,它们两者的用途是不一样的。
正如上面看到的,USING 表达式表明了用户可以读取哪些数据,而 CHECK 表达式则指明了哪些数据可以插入/更新到表中。需要注意的是,如果表没有 CHECK 表达式,那么它将使用 USING 表达式。
我们先来看看没有 CHECK 表达式时,插入违反 USING 表达式的示例,接上面的例子。
1 2
postgres=> INSERT INTO tblrls VALUES (3, 30, 'rls2'); -- rls1 用户 ERROR: new row violates row-level security policy for table "tblrls"
现在,我们为其创建一个 CHECK 表达式,并测试。
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postgres=> CREATE POLICY rlsp2 ON tblrls WITH CHECK ( value % 10 = 0); CREATE POLICY postgres=> INSERT INTO tblrls VALUES (4, 41, 'rls2'); ERROR: new row violates row-level security policy for table "tblrls" postgres=> INSERT INTO tblrls VALUES (4, 40, 'rls2'); INSERT 0 1
从上面的结果可以看到,在数据插入的时候将检查 CHECK 和 USING 表达式,只要满足其中一个条件即可插入到表中。这种行为在行级安全策略中被称为 PERMISSIVE 模式,多个策略通过 OR 进行连接。
当然,我们也可以指定 RESTRICTIVE 模式,那么多个策略则是通过 AND 的方式进行连接。
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postgres=> DROP POLICY rlsp2 ON tblrls; DROP POLICY postgres=> CREATE POLICY rlsp2 ON tblrls AS RESTRICTIVE WITH CHECK ( value % 10 = 0); CREATE POLICY postgres=> INSERT INTO tblrls VALUES (4, 40, 'rls2'); ERROR: new row violates row-level security policy for table "tblrls" postgres=> INSERT INTO tblrls VALUES (4, 41, 'rls1'); ERROR: new row violates row-level security policy "rlsp2" for table "tblrls" postgres=> INSERT INTO tblrls VALUES (4, 40, 'rls1'); INSERT 0 1
{ /* * Add a single WithCheckOption for all the permissive policy clauses, * combining them together using OR. This check has no policy name, * since if the check fails it means that no policy granted permission * to perform the update, rather than any particular policy being * violated. */ WithCheckOption *wco;
/* * Now add WithCheckOptions for each of the restrictive policy clauses * (which will be combined together using AND). We use a separate * WithCheckOption for each restrictive policy to allow the policy * name to be included in error reports if the policy is violated. */ foreach(item, restrictive_policies) { RowSecurityPolicy *policy = (RowSecurityPolicy *) lfirst(item); Expr *qual = QUAL_FOR_WCO(policy); WithCheckOption *wco;
if (qual != NULL) { qual = copyObject(qual); ChangeVarNodes((Node *) qual, 1, rt_index, 0);